Saturday, August 30, 2008

Brieft Update

Hmm - since it's been a month, I suppose I should update.  It's been pretty quiet around here.

For Mike's birthday on August 1st, we took the bikes over to the lake and biked between Two Rivers and Manitowoc. We did take a little dip in Lake Michigan, but it was cold!  We did happen to stumble across an ice cream shop in Two Rivers where they were doing some filming for Public TV about old-fashioned ice cream parlors and historic towns.  My hands could be in the show removing a sundae from the counter!

Winnebago County 4-H fair was the next weekend.  I was down in Oshkosh on Friday and Saturday, and it was, as always a good time to see old friends and catch up.  There was one accident, but the girl is ok.

Other than that, we've just been hanging out, enjoying the house and the weather.  We had our oil tanks filled up yesterday for the winter, and thankfully it was less than what we thought it was going to be.  Turns out the gauges on our fuel tanks aren't as accurate as we thought:  we had a lot more oil than we thought at the end of winter.  Had we known that the gauges were off, we probably wouldn't have worried as much about it.  So that was a really nice surprise.  =)  We just need to get wood and a wood holder for the fireplace and we should be set for the winter!  Oh, and a snow blower as well.  We don't need to be shoveling a ton of snow again!


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